The table below contains the various fees and jurisprudence requirements needed to get compact privileges in each of the active compact states. Make sure to review all the eligibility requirements and the step-by-step process to obtaining compact privileges before proceeding through the compact process. Jurisprudence exams are administered by the state and must be taken and successfully passed in most states prior to applying for a compact privilege.

*Please note additional fees may be charged by the jurisdiction to take their state jurisprudence exam.


PT Compact State State CP Fee Commission CP Fee Total CP Fee Jurisprudence Exam Requirement Jurisprudence Website (outside link) Active Duty Military/Spouse/Veteran State Fee Waiver
Alabama $85 $45 $130 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial Only)
The Alabama Jurisprudence Assessment Module (AL JAM) is available online here. State fee waived for military spouses
Arizona $0 $45 $45 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial & Renewal)
Register for the Arizona Jurisprudence Examination through the FSBPT here.
You must subsequently also send an email including your name, home state address, and FSBPT ID to submissions@ptboard.az.gov requesting access to the Arizona jurisprudence exam for the purpose of obtaining a compact privilege.
Official Arizona Policy on Jurisprudence Requirement to get compact privileges
Arkansas $3 $45 $48 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial & Renewal)
The Arkansas jurisprudence exam is available online here. Make sure to select Online Jurisprudence Exam and then check that you do not yet have a license number. No state fee waivers
Colorado $50 $45 $95 None Colorado does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. No state fee waivers
Delaware $55 $45 $100 None Delaware does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. No state fee waivers
District of Columbia $264 $45 $309 Must be passed within 30 days after CP issued
(Initial Only)
Register for the DC Jurisprudence Examination through the FSBPT here. The District of Columbia requires all PT Compact Privilege Applicants to complete the compact application and pay for the jurisprudence exam prior to registering for the DC Jurisprudence exam. Please allow 48-72 hours after paying for the exam to receive your ATT letter. The DC Jurisprudence exam must be completed within 30 days after the compact privilege is issued. Contact the Board via email at dcbopt@dc.gov if you have any questions. No state fee waivers
Georgia $65 $45 $110 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial & Renewal)
The Georgia Jurisprudence Assessment Module (GA JAM) is available online here. No state fee waivers
Indiana $104 $45 $149 None Indiana does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. No state fee waivers
Iowa $60 $45 $105 None Iowa does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. State fee waived for active duty military and military spouse
Kentucky $103 $45 $148 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial & Renewal)
The Kentucky jurisprudence exam has a separate registration for compact privilege seekers that is available online here. State fee waived for active duty military
Louisiana $95 $45 $140 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial & Renewal)
Registering for an account is required to access and complete the Louisiana jurisprudence exam here. Make sure to select “Compact Privilege User” when completing the form and remember contact information must be updated through the Louisiana website and ptcompact.org within 30 days of such changes in accordance with Compact Rules. State fee waived for active duty military and military spouse
Maryland $125 $45 $170 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial Only)
Maryland requires all PT Compact Privilege Applicants to complete the Maryland PT Compact Registration Form prior to registering for the Maryland Jurisprudence Exam and purchasing a privilege. You will receive further emailed instructions from mdh.bpteadmin@maryland.gov.

Contact the Board office via email or phone (410-764-4718) if you have any questions.
No state fee waivers unless qualified under the Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act of 2022.
Mississippi $150 $45 $195 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial Only)
The Mississippi jurisprudence exam is available online here. You will need to register for an account on their site to access the exam. State fee waived for active duty military and military spouse
Missouri $20 $45 $65 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial Only)
A PDF of the Missouri jurisprudence exam is available here.
Completed forms should be emailed to licensure@pr.mo.gov or faxed to 573-751-3166 to be graded.
State fee waived for active duty military, military spouse, and veteran
Montana $50 $45 $95 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial Only)
To register for and take the Montana Jurisprudence Exam, please follow the subsequent three steps in order.

Step 1. Register for an online account – click here

Step 2. Access the Montana Administrative Rules and Statutes that you will use during the test

Step 3. Take the online jurisprudence exam – click here. Once logged in, go to "Start a New License Application" then "New Health Care License." Read and accept the terms, then continue to the application. Click the dropdown menu under Physical Therapists and select "Physical Therapy Compact Jurisprudence Exam".
No state fee waivers
Nebraska $35 $45 $80 None Nebraska does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. State fee waived for active duty military, military spouse, and veteran
New Hampshire $65 $45 $110 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial & Renewal)
The New Hampshire Jurisprudence Assessment Module (NH JAM) is available online here. No state fee waivers
New Jersey $40 $45 $95 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial & Renewal)
The New Jersey Jurisprudence Assessment Module (NJ JAM) is available online here. No state fee waivers
North Carolina $100 $45 $145 Must be passed within 30 days after CP issued
(Initial & Renewal)
The North Carolina jurisprudence exam is available online here. You will need to register for an account on their site to access the exam. State fee waived for active duty military, military spouse, and veteran
North Dakota $40 $45 $85 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial Only)
The North Dakota jurisprudence exam is available online here. No state fee waivers
Ohio $50 $45 $95 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial & Renewal). You DO NOT need to pass the OH JAM for your FIRST renewal.
The Ohio Jurisprudence Assessment Module (OH JAM) is available online here. No state fee waivers
Oklahoma $55 $45 $100 None Oklahoma does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. 


State fee waived for active duty military, military spouse and Veteran
Oregon $50 $45 $95 Must be passed within 6 months before applying for CP
(Initial Only)
Please follow the steps in order:
  1. Send an email with your contact information to physical.therapy@obpt.oregon.gov. This must include: your name, mailing address, email address, phone number and name and address for where you will be working in Oregon.
  2. Register for the Oregon Jurisprudence Examination through the FSBPT here.
State fee waived for active duty military, military spouse and Veteran
South Carolina $0 $45 $45 None South Carolina does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. N/A
South Dakota $124 ($120 + $4 Processing) $45 $169 None South Dakota does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. No state fee waivers
Tennessee PT: $195
PTA: $185
$45 PT: $240
PTA: $230
Must be passed within 30 days after CP issued
(Initial & Renewal)
The Tennessee jurisprudence requirement is a course that must be completed with 30 days after the compact privilege is issued. Details on registering for the course are sent by the TN PT Board approximately a week after the CP is issued. No state fee waivers
Texas $50 $45 $95 Must be passed before applying for CP
(Initial & Renewal)
The Texas Jurisprudence Assessment Module (TX JAM) is available online here. State fee waived for active duty military, military spouse, and veteran
Utah $47 $45 $92 None Utah does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. State fee waived for active duty military
Vermont $50 $45 $95 None Vermont does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. No state fee waivers
Virginia $50 $45 $95 None Virginia does not require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. No state fee waivers
Washington $47 ($45 + $2 Processing) $45 $90 Must be passed before applying for CP (Initial & Renewal) The Washington jurisprudence exam is available online here. In the “License or pending license number” field, please enter PT0001. No state fee waivers
West Virginia $50 $45 $95 None West Virginia does no require a jurisprudence exam to obtain compact privileges. State fee waived for active duty military, military spouse, and veteran
Wisconsin $56 $45 $101 Must be passed before applying for CP (Initial Only) The Wisconsin jurisprudence exam is available online here. You will need to register for an account on the site to access the exam. N/A


The PT Compact offers physical therapists and physical therapist assistants a fast and effective way to start practicing in states across the U.S. Click now to purchase your privilege.